

On Monday, the first thing I did (before dropping off luggage) was stop in the first Epicerie (itty bitty convenience store) and asked about where I could find persimmons. Being out of season, the owner had none. But he offered to order them. Today, I picked up my persimmons and boy did they taste good.
Especially after listening to a lecture on La Princesse de Cleves, a 17th century French novel of which I have heard much about. This lecture took place in the middle of downtown, Place de la Victoire. It was the culmination of an anti-reformist protest and a means by which the professors intended to show solidarity with the students against the reform and Nicolas Sarkozy's dismissal of the classic as unnecessary to modern education.

1 comment:

radioKermany said...

I love persimmons. I remember reading a poem about it. I don't recall what the title of the poem was...maybe "Golden Apple"? I'm craving one....