Graduate School orientation has begun, and things are pretty fun, if intense. The weather has been very hot and humid here in Madison, WI, and it is finally starting to cool down a little bit. I'm hoping we have a cool, sunny Fall before the snow hits! We'll see.
I wanted to let my reader(s) know that I'll be taking a break from the blog for a little bit. My amount of free time has dropped significantly, and will likely go down much more once the year starts. I am also concerned about what I can and cannot say here: again, I find myself negotiating between the private and public, and worrying about the sensitivity of the things I post on this very public blog is a source of stress that I'm not prepared to nourish. Which isn't to say that blogging should be a source of stress: on the contrary!
...thus begins my hiatus. I look forward to coming back some time and writing with gusto and abandon!
PS: For those interested, I will still be updating the "What I'm Reading" part of the blog, just to the left of this post.
one thing I won't miss about blogging: spammers. :( thanks but no thanks "Ashley".
ben, i totally hear you on the private / public - ness of blogs. sad to hear tho, as I was just going to say i look fwd to madison updates, esp about the people, weather, culture, etc. - which just means i need to be more diligent about getting through fb newsfeeds. have great fun, and enjoy the fall. welcome to 4 seasons. : )
Big litle cat!!
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