It is currently raining cats and dogs on my small window as I work away on my French Writing Sample and listen to Muse/Rise Against. Fortunately my window is on an angle, one of the benefits of living in the attic: the cats and dogs will not be crushed, just slightly battered and bruised as they make impact and subsequently roll down the shingled roof to cling to the eaves overflowing. Does a cat always land on its feet if it falls from the seventh floor? I hope so. If it weren't raining so much outside I might be able to tell you, but for now that inquiry will have to go unanswered.
Things are good; I just received a Halloween care package from my mom - I'll have to remember to talk to the kids in class about that peculiar holiday of costume and candy that approaches...
Right now the song most popular in France appears to be "Fuck You" by Lilly Allen. Thank goodness they don't censor the radio here; that song wouldn't have half the charm if it were stripped of its title.
I will try to upload pictures and videos on my photobucket: I have lots to share! They should be there come next week, so be sure to check them out.
Here is a photo I took of a stranger in the train station. I liked his outfit. I'd love to hear what all the Sartorialist fans think!
Here too are a couple photos from my weekend. I visited three enclos paroissiales, which were apparently all the rage in 17th century Bretagne. They're essentially local cemetaries with a bit more embellishment and a small chapel. I'm fascinated by the lugubrious gloom that these stone monuments to the dead, and they may conveniently work their way into my studies. Like Baudelaire, I find an elegant and mysterious beauty in all that is death... Creepy, huh? Unfortunately I forgot my camera on Saturday, which featured silver skies perfect for the appreciation of the melancholy, so the photos will have to stand the blow of blue skies.
Right now I'm doing some cursory readings of authors that straddle the 17th and 18th centuries - I'm currently reading Le Diable Boiteux(The Hobbling Devil) by Alain-Rene Lesage, which is a lot of fun (see above morbid fascination) but I will likely be reading some of Voltaire's plays and some Regnard in the next few days. Lesage's devil is actually Cupid (or Cupid is actually a demon) in a white overcoat and supported by crutches. Pretty cool - although I had a much lankier, creepier image of a demon Cupid.
The French National Library (BNF) has quite conveniently digitized a wealth of texts, from classic to modern, which makes for easy access to texts I normally wouldn't have access to: texts from the 18th, 19th century. They can be found and downloaded on Gallica.
Should any of you feel an overwhelming compulsion to send me anything at all (postcards appreciated), I might just consider returning the favor. My address is:
Lycée Joachim du Bellay
1 avenue Marie Talet
Angers 49105
Back to work! Wish me luck! I'll need it!
Benjamin (French accent plz)
love your 'sartorialist' photo - keep it up - very cool - my only suggestion - this young man might put a shine on those shoes!
I like their worn look - I think it works really well with his jacket. It was really awkard asking him, but I had promised myself I wouldn't hesitate to ask if I saw someone well-dressed... Will continue! French style is inspiring.
i love the sartorialist photo too! definitely keep them coming, and it might be a cool way to break the ice with strangers in this new Old World of yours! & I like the ink on the moleskin paper--is it a reddish brown? i can't believe it's been a year since Kim was in Lund. Time is surging on. She's visiting here next week. Your travels on train and your destinations sound so lovely. Sigh. Double sigh.
Hey bennipoo, is Lycee Joachim du Bellay your new French name??
lol "Lycee" is "High School" in French. I live in the high school's attic, with batman and his furry winged friends.
Bennipoo! I sent you a card. I only wrote:
Lycée Joachim du Bellay
1 avenue Marie Talet
Angers 49105
Oops. But I did write "To: Benjamin Hair" on the back just in case. I hope it arrives to you safely! I sent it Wednesday, so it'll get to you within this week.
aww thank you Kim!!! That's so sweet! Getting hand-written cards from people is really special, especially when I'm so far away from home. I'll let you know when I get it! Give me your address and I'll send you a postcard!
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