

Hey all,

So I've started my job as a camp counselor; halfway through my second week, and things are going well. I found that during my time in France, I got very serious, almost to the point of surly. I was turning into an old man. And, at twenty-one years of experience playing the game of life, that's a bad sign.

Fortunately, I fell into what is the perfect cure for fogey-ness. Surrounding myself with children. So, at the moments when I feel goofy, random, or just plain clever, I have pairs of ears pining for my attention. An on the contrary, when I am bogged down, dragging my feet and lamenting my cruel fate for all the bite-sized obstacles god(s) has thrown me, I have only to see a smile or hear a laugh to remind myself that life is just too good to give in. To give in to weakness, fatigue, sorrow.

So buck up!


1 comment:

you know who said...

I agree! As kids, we can't wait to grow up. As adults, we wish we were more like kids. Young children possess everything wonderful and decent about life and humanity. Boy, I hope my son can hold on to some of those things all his life (and that I keep learning from him).